by Jeremy Riehl, Division 10 Lt. Governor, 2010-2011
Over 900 people came together at the Marriott Resort on Marco Island over the last weekend in August for the Florida District Kiwanis Convention. What brought these citizens together from across several generations was a common purpose--service; specifically service for children. They came from across Florida and even a few from beyond the border, including the International Counselor, Dr. Button, from Canada.As a family, the attendees retired the outgoing officers, including our Division 10 Lieutenant Governor, Jeremy Riehl, and the District Governor, Tom Ramiccio. That same evening our new Lieutenant Governor was installed; Prairy Riehl picked up the baton of leadership from her
husband to serve the 15 clubs in Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties. In addition to ratifying Allen Whetsell at Governor-Elect and Eddie Lee at Governor, the house of delegates elected a new District Treasurer, Melanie Winternheimer of the East Orlando Kiwanis (in Division 10); she is now in line to serve as Governor in 2013-14. They also passed two resolutions--one to honor four former governors that past away this year and another to endorse our retiring governor for his bid to serve as an International Counselor. In additional to attending workshops and sharing ideas, the group put their wallets where their hearts were and raised thousands of dollars for charity through raffles, auctions and treasure hunting at the Caring Corner.
A number of awards were presented throughout the event. However, one stands out from the rest--Club of the Year. This award recognized the most outstanding Kiwanis club in all of Florida for 2009-10. I am very proud to report that Divison 10's newest club, Avalon Park Kiwanis, earned this awesome honor. One year after chartering as a new club, they doubled their membership to 50; established Service Leadership Programs at 9 schools and initiated a very successful reading program, just to name of few of their accomplishments. We look forward to the continued inspiration and leadership of the new club on the block.
Good luck to all the clubs of Division 10 and the Florida District as well as our new Ltg Prairy, District Treasurer Melanie, Governor-Elect Allen and Governor Eddie.